Thursday, February 26, 2015

Imagine a greater future.

I have always imagined a great future for myself. I have imagined one full of adventure, wonder, and amazement. I know that as I pass with the flow of events I am due to learn from every awaiting trial. I notice that often at times I say of react negatively, when all I want to do is burst with positive energy like I know I am full of. As I have moved down my path I can only reflect on what I have done.
I was in the middle of making a cup of tea, and I heard an ice cream truck rolling down the road playing its' pleasant tunes. Suddenly I get this idea that I will get myself and another an ice cream. This other person asks for a specific ice cream, which I later found out they did not have. I return home with the wrong ice cream thinking it was the correct one. And spurred up a yelling argument. This left me feeling like laughing, as if anything I did was not correct. But reflecting upon it now drinking and finishing my cup of tea hours after the event I feel as if everything went correctly. I learned that I need to meditate and learn to accept things as they come. I feel as if I could do more if only I could master more external things, but the external will not make me better inside.
I imagine how small all these events will be tomorrow, but how dramatic the effects where today help me understand that I need drastic change to meet the goals I want to reach. 
I want to be more peaceful, more thoughtful, and more insightful. I know I can do this and will.

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